As vaccination efforts have continued to reach adults, many of us are left wondering about adolescents. When it comes to keeping children safe, scientists are not kidding around.
When something doesn’t directly impact us, many of us tend to spend very little time thinking about it. But often the impacts do hit closer to home than you may realize. This is true with mental health: you may not have a mental illness, but mental health does affect you.
Recent excavations raise some big questions about understanding our planet’s biological history. It's a great reminder that life on Earth may seem wild now, but it’s got a pretty wild past, too!
Rosalind Franklin had an integral role in the discovery of DNA’s double-helix structure. Not only did her work help drive Watson and Crick toward their Nobel Prize-winning discoveries, but a special photograph of hers is quite possibly one of the most important photos ever taken.
The pandemic has been a game changer for so many aspects of life here on Earth. We’ve seen the global crisis impact everything from economics to health care systems and beyond. Birth rates, too, were impacted by the pandemic.