Posted: January 25, 2021

Muscle Pain, Rocking Chairs, and the First Woman Physician to the President

You might be asking yourself, “what do Metrodora, muscle pain, and rocking chairs have to do with anything?” The answer is Dr. Janet G. Travell, a physician and researcher who became the first woman to hold the office of Physician to the President.

Muscle Pain, Rocking Chairs, and the First Woman Physician to the President
Posted: January 20, 2021

Sickness Behavior: Why Do I Feel Sick?

Catching a cold makes you feel tired, achy, and zapped of energy. How can all viruses know how to stuff up your nose and make you unmotivated? Well, they don’t. Your body is doing all this to itself.

Sickness Behavior: Why Do I Feel Sick?
Posted: January 13, 2021

Question Your World: Does Stress Really Make Your Hair Go Gray?!

Maybe you've heard that old saying about stress making you go gray. Scientists actually have studied this phenomena and have some interesting information to share about the mechanics of how we go gray. So, does stress contribute?

Question Your World: Does Stress Really Make Your Hair Go Gray?!
Posted: January 7, 2021

Question Your World: Can Llamas Help Combat the Coronavirus?

We bet you didn't expect this question: can llamas help combat the coronavirus? Of course, if we're asking, the answer is probably yes. But how? We have that answer, too, and it's no prob-llama to share it with you!

Question Your World: Can Llamas Help Combat the Coronavirus?
Posted: December 31, 2020

Question Your World: What Were Some Interesting 2020 Science Moments?

Coronavirus dominated the news of 2020, but let’s not forget that science contributed a lot of new knowledge this year. Here's a recap of some of our favorite Science Deep Cuts as reported on our Question Your World series all year long.

Question Your World: What Were Some Interesting 2020 Science Moments?