Every now and then a discovery is made that challenges a previously held belief. A recent excavation site in Utah is shedding more light on how some dinosaurs may actually have been social creatures.
Rosalind Franklin had an integral role in the discovery of DNA’s double-helix structure. Not only did her work help drive Watson and Crick toward their Nobel Prize-winning discoveries, but a special photograph of hers is quite possibly one of the most important photos ever taken.
You might be asking yourself, “what do Metrodora, muscle pain, and rocking chairs have to do with anything?” The answer is Dr. Janet G. Travell, a physician and researcher who became the first woman to hold the office of Physician to the President.
As the commander in chief of the Continental Army, George Washington oversaw the first large-scale public vaccination program in American history during the Revolutionary War.
While some aspects of this year's Model Railroad Show will look different to help limit the spread of COVID-19, one piece will look very familiar ... especially for anyone who took a train out of Broad Street Station!