Posted: March 21, 2018

Question Your World: Can the Platypus Help Save Lives?

For scientists, the scope of discovery can range anywhere from the totally straightforward to the totally weird. And if we're exploring the world of the weird, one animal seems to come up quite a bit: the duck-billed platypus.

Question Your World: Can the Platypus Help Save Lives?
Posted: February 8, 2018

Question Your World: How Many Mega Cities Are on Earth Now?

We now have seven and a half billion people on Earth and counting! A little over half of those folks live in urban areas, some of them in mega cities. As the number of people grows across the globe, so will the number of mega cities.

Question Your World: How Many Mega Cities Are on Earth Now?
Posted: December 6, 2017

What Do Women Scientists, Conditioning Techniques, and Rats Have in Common?

Training Norway rats to play basketball is pretty hard. But what might be more difficult is deciding what to name the seven new rat basketball trainees at the Museum!

What Do Women Scientists, Conditioning Techniques, and Rats Have in Common?
Posted: November 9, 2017

Question Your World: What Are the Stranger Things in Science?

According to the Neilson ratings, in the first three days of November, 15.8 million people watched the first episode of the Netflix original Stranger Things! Fictional shows are all well and good, but the science world has some pretty strange facts to offer as well.

Question Your World: What Are the Stranger Things in Science?
Posted: October 18, 2017

Question Your World: Did Upright Walking Hominids Come from Africa?

One of the ingredients of humanity is bipedalism or the ability to walk upright on two appendages. For some time now, scientists have been exploring Africa looking for our most ancient ancestors to further the story of human evolution. However, a new discovery is questioning our slow bipedal evolution.

Question Your World: Did Upright Walking Hominids Come from Africa?