Posted: December 18, 2019

Question Your World: Is the Little Drummer Boy’s Brain Different?

This time of year, classic holiday songs are heard blasting out of speakers all over the nation. One of those timeless tunes is "The Little Drummer Boy." There's some breaking science news related to that song.

Question Your World: Is the Little Drummer Boy’s Brain Different?
Posted: November 22, 2019

Question Your World: Which New Relative of Ours Was Discovered?

Thanksgiving time is here! When we are given a chance to sit around the table together with loved ones and for better or worse, we get a chance to learn more about our own family.

Question Your World: Which New Relative of Ours Was Discovered?
Posted: October 30, 2019

Question Your World: Where Exactly Did We Come From?

There are so many commonly used home-related phrases out there. Clearly we care a lot about what is home to us. Researchers just announced that they have identified the region from which all of our modern human ancestors arose.

Question Your World: Where Exactly Did We Come From?
Posted: October 23, 2019

Question Your World: What Causes Left-Handedness?

90% of the world is right-handed. History and culture have not been kind to left-handers, a somewhat rare occurrence among us humans. So, after all these years, if the right hand is preferred, why do we still have a bunch of lefties out there?

Question Your World: What Causes Left-Handedness?
Posted: September 17, 2019

Question Your World: How Does the Brain Keep Memories?

We know more about the surface of the moon than Earth’s oceans and we know even less about the human brain, but a recently published study from Cal Tech is helping us put together a few pieces of the huge puzzle that is the brain. How does the brain keep memories?

Question Your World: How Does the Brain Keep Memories?